Kevin Doi reflects on the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector, which reminds us of the freedom we have in approaching God, who holds all that we bring and grants us mercy.
The 2015 Fuller Forum explored the themes of justice, grace, and law and how each shapes our understanding of the church’s relationship with God and the church’s ministry in the world. Joined by Fuller scholars and other guests, renowned Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann, featured as the conference’s keynote speaker.
Sonja Dawson, head pastor of New Mt. Calvary Church, preaches on the grace God provides for our divine callings and on our need to be open to however God might use us.
Aaron Dorsey (MAT ’18), communications inclusion liaison, speaks about Psalm 44 and what it looks like to honestly lament before and wait on God—even when we cannot believe in God’s goodness.