Old Testament

Introductions to the Books of the Bible

Refreshed perspectives on the Scriptures from Fuller faculty working in the fields of theology, psychology, and intercultural studies

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More Resources for a Deeply Formed Spiritual Life

God as Our Home | Chloe Sun

Reflecting on Moses as a sojourner and displaced person in Exodus 3, Chloe Sun preaches on Yahweh, the name of God, as our home.

Telling a Truer Story | David Wang

Reflecting on the book of Hosea, David Wang preaches a message on God’s love and on a healing journey which holds both brokenness and beauty.

Doing Justice | Tina Armstrong

Tina Armstrong preaches on Micah 6 and dwells on the ways we ought to be attentive to God’s voice, reflect on God’s faithfulness, and extend God’s love to others.

Who, Me? | Brenda Salter McNeil

Brenda Salter McNeil preaches on the book of Esther, challenging our preconceived notions of who can be a leader.

Synergy to Produce Unity | Candace Shields

Candace Shields preaches on how our God-given differences serve as strengths rather than weaknesses when we come together to work as one.

It’s Your Time | Brenda Salter McNeil

Reflecting on the story of Esther during Fuller’s MLKJ Celebration week, Brenda Salter McNeil preaches about God’s call for us to be leaders who follow the Holy Spirit’s leading during this pressing time.

Covenant and Community | Walter Brueggemann

Walter Brueggemann reflects on the covenantal nature of our relationships with God and one another.

Dreams, Words, and Realities | William E. Pannell

William E. Pannell reminds us of God’s steadfast presence in our lives as we hope and dream for a better tomorrow by drawing on the Genesis 37 narrative of Joseph’s seemingly unbelievable dreams.

Pursuing Truth Through Empirical Science: Gideon As a Faithful Researcher

In the fourth of seven videos on “Pursuing Truth Through Empirical Science,” Kenneth T. Wang notes how empirical science and our belief in God intersect as both involve a movement toward truth.

Revolutionary Faith | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton examines the countercultural nature of the early church and invites us to consider its implications in our modern contexts, allowing ourselves to become made alive and anew.

The Redeemer of Broken Stories | Andrea Cammarota

Andrea Cammarota reflects on the story of Bathsheba and on the reality of sexual violence in the church, while reflecting also on God who holds the tension of deep pain and redemptive healing.

Those Who Shape the Narrative | Mark Labberton

Meditating on the women in 2 Samuel 17, Mark Labberton speaks about the often unseen and under-appreciated “minor characters” who speak the truths which shape and direct our lives.

Women at the Center | Kevin Doi

Kevin Doi reflects on the story of Esther and what it teaches of defying patriarchy, reclaiming agency, and the witness of women in the story of redemption.

Living Our Identity | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton reflects on the story of Deborah and asks whether we, like Deborah, are willing to receive and live out the identity God intends for us.

A Story of Lovingkindness | Kirsteen Kim

Kirsteen Kim preaches about covenant love that is on the side of the marginalized in the face of oppressive systems, as seen in the story of Ruth.

The God Who Sees | Christin Fort

Christin Fort preaches about Hagar and what her narrative teaches about the power of articulating pain and the God who acts for those who suffer.

Shared Vulnerability | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton, with Fuller student Livia Muhimbise, reflects on the story of Naomi—what it teaches of vulnerability and of the God who is for the vulnerable.

Sacred Allyship | Brenda Bertrand

Delving into the Exodus passage of Pharaoh’s daughter taking in Moses, Brenda Bertrand preaches on the ways allyship makes justice and freedom possible.

Speaking Out | Brad D. Strawn

Brad D. Strawn preaches on the story of the daughters of Zelophehad, a story of bold women speaking against injustice and inequity and of a God who enables and empowers.

Opportunities of Redirection | Jennifer Ackerman

Jennifer Ackerman looks at the story of Miriam in Numbers 12 and reflects on how God offers us chances to realign ourselves with God’s call on our lives.

Exposing Injustice, Reclaiming Dignity | Ally Henny

Ally Henny preaches on the story of Tamar, saying that we must find creative ways to expose oppressive systems so that people may flourish.