Reconciling Race


Fuller Magazine: Issue 13
Fuller Magazine: Issue 16
Fuller Dialogues

Leading scholars wrestle with the complexities of race, whiteness, and the gospel.

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More Resources for a Deeply Formed Spiritual Life

A Revelation to Remedy Racism | David Emmanuel Goatley

Preaching from Revelation 7, David Emmanuel Goatley encourages us to look to the future as inspiration to engage and continue the work of fighting racism as faithful witnesses of Jesus to the world.

Liberated, Empowered, Whole

As she provides therapy for her clients and creates resources on mental health, psychologist Jessica Smedley forms safe and empowering spaces for the Black community.

Our Stories and God’s Providence, with Esau McCaulley

Esau McCaulley, discussing his new memoir, reflects on the way we tell Black stories and how we make sense of our narratives for the glory of God.

The Transformative Power of Gospel Music, with Stephen Newby

Stephen Newby reflects on the ability of Gospel music to invite all people in and what that means for today’s world and church.

Race and the Evangelical Church, with Jemar Tisby

Jemar Tisby reflects on Tom Skinner’s impactful speech “Racism and World Evangelism,” delivered at the 1970 Urbana Missions Conference, and considers the ways it resonates with the reality of the American church today.

The Fight for Racial Justice, with Jeanelle Austin

Jeanelle Austin discusses her work at the George Floyd Global Memorial and her push for “people over property” in both preservation and activism.

In the Room with Brenda Salter McNeil

Brenda Salter McNeil talks about the church’s need for a renewed understanding of reconciliation and shares about her own calling to empower Christians to become practitioners of reconciliation in the world.

A Pedagogy of Cultural Belonging and Praxis

Robert Chao Romero explores critical tools for scholarship and pedagogy—taking Critical Race Theory as an example—that recognize the diversity and fullness of the whole body of Christ

Our Many Particularities, Our One Church

As he explores the many ways our particular stories shape our faith, Der Lor engages in the challenging yet beautiful work of multiethnic ministry.

Thriving Uninterrupted

Amber Height joins a neighborhood’s fight against gentrification, as she holds to a hopeful vision of a future in which Black life and culture thrive.

Fanning the Flame: Pastoring in the Modern Movement

Najuma Smith-Pollard, pastor and assistant director of community and public engagement at USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture, looks to history’s examples of Black faith leaders and considers the role of the pastor in today’s modern movement.

What Makes the Movement Strong, with Andre Henry

Andre Henry, singer-songwriter and author, shares hopeful wisdom from his work in the movement for Black lives.

A Jesus-Centered Faith, with Shane Claiborne

Shane Claiborne reflects on what it looks like to follow Jesus in the United States today—discussing policies and issues of gun violence, racial justice, and the death penalty.

Faith and Justice, with Jim Wallis

Jim Wallis shares about his journey of following Jesus and discusses the sin of voter suppression, racism as idolatry, and the ways our theology should recalibrate our sociology.

Teaching and Learning, with Todd Shy

Todd Shy discusses the encounter between teachers and students, cultivating a classroom community and culture, and the power of passion in teaching.

Bridges Between

As she leans into her own identities as a psychologist, a Christian, and a Black woman, Christin Fort serves communities at the overlapping intersections of faith, research, and identity

Celebrating Kinship

With his heart for the stories of others and the story of Scripture, Mark Fields seeks to break down barriers and cultivate the connections that exist among all of us

Conversation Spaces

Michelle Lang-Raymond shares how theater and the arts can create opportunities for us to safely yet deeply engage with today’s polarizing issues.

Evangelicalism and Race, with Anthea Butler

Anthea Butler discusses the history of US evangelicalism, looking particularly at the ways oppressive and racist structures have taken hold within and through it.

Race and the Evangelical Church, with Bill Pannell

Dr. Bill Pannell reflects on the American church’s engagement with race, the future of theological education, and the transformative power of the gospel.

Reimagining the Church, with Soong-Chan Rah

Soong-Chan Rah reflects on the warped theologies that have shaped the American church throughout history and hopes for a new, anointed Christian imagination in the 21st century.