

Fuller Dialogues

The 2020 Integration Symposium explored contemplative practices and their transformative impact, interpersonal trauma and recovery, and the holistic approach of womanist psychology.

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More Resources for a Deeply Formed Spiritual Life

After Narcissism: Toward Humility and Healing

Christin J. Fort and Brad D. Strawn explore toxic narcissism in both clergy and congregations, as well as the hopeful way forward found in the formation and practice of humility.

Therapeutic Resources and Latino/a Congregations

Sylvia Garcia, Marisol De Jesus-Perez, Leo Ayala, and Alexia Salvatierra reflect on mental health in the context of the Latino/a community and on improving holistic well-being for all.

Accompanying Emerging Adults through Transition

Steve Argue, Ana Dolores, and Caleb Roose describe the ways communities and congregations can effectively walk with young adults during seasons of transition.

Leading Difficult Conversations

Amy Drennan and Brad D. Strawn consider how our own work of self-regulation can help hold space for others who are anxious and dysregulated in polarized and contentious contexts.

Revisiting Self-Esteem and Its Impact on Human Connection

Michael Argumaniz-Hardin and Collin Cornell explore the key principles of self-esteem and consider self-esteem and individual value from a scriptural lens.

Q&A | Ministry and Mission in an Age of Narcissism and Trauma, Day One

Brad D. Strawn and Christin J. Fort recap the presentations and lectures of the 2024 Integration Symposium’s first day and facilitate a Q&A.

Psychologically-Informed Worship

Julie Tai and Brad D. Strawn consider how we might make the church a grounding place in a polarized, chaotic, and increasingly complex world.

Q&A | Ministry and Mission in an Age of Narcissism and Trauma, Day Two

In the final session of the 2024 Integration Symposium, presenters recap the conference and engage in a panel discussion and Q&A.

Ministry and Mission in an Age of Narcissism and Trauma

Fuller scholars and other experts explore the dynamics of narcissism and trauma in the context of church and ministry—as well as what hopeful and healing ministry and mission can look like in such spaces today.

Supernatural Attributions and Mental Health

In her lecture “Supernatural Attributions: How Do People Perceive Messages from God, the Devil, and Human Spirits?,” delivered at the 2023 Integration Symposium, Julie Exline surveys the lenses by which people understand supernatural experiences, how this affects moral beliefs and behavior, and why it matters for mental health professionals.

Response | Therapy and Supernatural Beliefs

In response to Julie Exline’s lecture on “Supernatural Attributions and Mental Health,” Clara Bertan asks what it looks like to intentionally create a safe and inviting space for clients to explore their beliefs in the supernatural.

Navigating Spiritual Struggles

In her lecture “Spiritual Struggle: An Overview of Key Concepts and Findings,” delivered at the 2023 Integration Symposium, Julie Exline surveys varieties of spiritual struggle through the lens of mental health, with a particular focus on the idea of anger towards God.

Response | Chaplaincy and Spiritual Struggle

In response to Julie Exline’s lecture on “Navigating Spiritual Struggles,” Jaclyn Williams draws from her experience as a chaplain and discusses pastoral and spiritual care for those encountering spiritual struggles.

Response | Spirituality in Context

In response to Julie Exline’s lecture on “Navigating Spiritual Struggles,” Grace Chan reflects on how our contexts—environment, family, society—form our ideas of spirituality and on why it matters to recognize this in the therapy room.

Healing and Growth from Spiritual Struggle

In her lecture “How Can We Support Healing and Growth from Spiritual Struggle?,” delivered at the 2023 Integration Symposium, Julie Exline considers ways to support and foster growth among people who experiencing spiritual struggles.

Response | Discerning the Spirit Across Contexts

In response to Julie Exline’s lecture on “Healing and Growth from Spiritual Struggle,” Eltice Lin talks about navigating supernatural experience amidst different cultural and religious contexts.

The Older Son | Kenneth Wang

Kenneth Wang considers lessons on resentment and reconciliation as he looks at the older brother in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, through a psychological perspective.

A Safe Place

As he directs the counseling center of Pasadena’s Lake Avenue Church, Tsega Worku strives to create a space of healing and restoration for the hurting.

Extended Cognition: A Puny Spirituality and an Unhealthy Theology

In the fifth of seven videos on “Extended Cognition,” Brad Strawn talks about how theological claims can be put to psychological tests and how psychology speaks to and informs our theology.

Extended Cognition: Response-Abled Grace

In the sixth of seven videos on “Extended Cognition,” Brad D. Strawn engages with the theological question of divine and human relationship and responsibility.

Extended Cognition: Know Yourself

In the last of seven videos on “Extended Cognition,” Brad D. Strawn says that who we are as people—our identities, backgrounds, personalities—deeply impacts the ways we minister.