FULLER sermons

Fuller Sermons

Contending for Hope | Teesha Hadra

Teesha Hadra (MDiv ’20), looks at the Psalms and asks how it is possible for us to sing God’s praises and testify to God’s faithfulness in the midst of grief and hardship.

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Lazarus at Our Gate | Scot McKnight

Scot McKnight, professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary, considers Jesus’ parable about the rich man and Lazarus—a story less about a right understanding of death and more about a right way to live.

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Pools of Water in the Desert | Kevin Doi

Kevin Doi (MDiv ’94), Fuller Seminary chaplain, encourages us to be attentive to God’s presence, reflecting on how God meets us in the most difficult and unexpected places.

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Rightly Seen and Rightly Seeing | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton, Clifford L. Penner Presidential Chair of Fuller Seminary, preaches on how God sees us without misconception and on our charge to see others with the same dignity well.

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Christ-Formed Community | Oliver Crisp

Oliver Crisp, former professor of systematic theology, speaks about what it looks like to be a worshiping community continually shaped and transformed by Christ.

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Under the Shelter of Hope | Inés Velásquez-McBryde

Inés Velásquez-McBryde (MDiv 19’), pastor and Fuller Seminary chaplain, delivers a message on how God welcomes us under the shelter of his hope, even as we continue to experience fear and grief.

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Open the Door | Jaclyn Williams and Cate McCrory

Jaclyn Williams and Cate McCrory, former chapel interns, preach an Eastertide sermon about how God’s embodied peace and love meets us in the midst of fear and doubt.

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New Life in Christ | Evelyne Reisacher

The late Evelyne Reisacher, former associate professor of Islamic studies and intercultural relations, preached this Easter sermon on Jesus’ resurrection and on what it means for us to be raised with Christ.

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Reordering the Ordinary | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton, Clifford L. Penner Presidential Chair of Fuller Seminary, meditates on how God’s ultimate work—by the resurrection of Christ—reshapes and reorders our ordinary life.

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Talk About Deep | Eugene Lowry

Eugene Lowry, preacher and author, reflects on the deep and overwhelming wonder that we experience when we encounter God and God’s holiness.

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Do Not Be Afraid | Mignon Jacobs

Mignon Jacobs, former associate professor of Old Testament, encourages us to rely on God during times of trouble rather than allowing fear to be our guide.

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Our Sacrifices, Our Humility | Tamisha Tyler

Tamisha Tyler, PhD candidate, preaches about leaning into humility and calling on God, who comes and delivers us in times of trouble.

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Suffering in Obedience | Leah Fortson

Leah Fortson (PhD in Clinical Psychology ’17, MDiv ’18) meditates on the reality of suffering in the Christian life and how God might use our pain to bring healing to a suffering world.

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The Cries of the Community | Juan Martínez Benavides

Juan Martínez Benavides, MDiv student, invites us to hear the cries and complaints of the people we serve, challenging us to acknowledge our failures and to open ourselves up to transformation. English translation is provided by Inés Velasquez-McBryde, Fuller chaplain.

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Pulling Others Up | Wayne Chaney

Wayne Chaney, pastor of Antioch Church of Long Beach, speaks about loving our neighbors by using our voices for justice and by lifting up those in deficit positions.

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Saying Yes to God | Laura Harbert

Laura Harbert, former dean of chapel and spiritual formation, considers Mary and how she exemplifies what it looks like to courageously join in God’s mysterious and radical work of redemption.

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Divine Assignment | Sonja Dawson

Sonja Dawson, head pastor of New Mt. Calvary Church, preaches on the grace God provides for our divine callings and on our need to be open to however God might use us.

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Honesty and Dissonance | Aaron Dorsey

Aaron Dorsey (MAT ’18), communications inclusion liaison, speaks about Psalm 44 and what it looks like to honestly lament before and wait on God—even when we cannot believe in God’s goodness.

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Making Worship Just | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton, Clifford L. Penner Presidential Chair of Fuller Seminary, explains how worship and justice go hand in hand, as worship becomes a context for reordering power.

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A Repentant Heart | Brenda Bertrand

Brenda Bertrand, Fuller Seminary chaplain, preaches on how our sins impact our communities, our need for repentance, and God’s unfailing love.

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Living Water | Steve Yamaguchi

Steve Yamaguchi, former dean of students and assistant professor of pastoral theology, talks about our need to not only be scholars and experts on living water but to be faithful and daily partakers.

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