Alexia Salvatierra draws from her experiences with the Base Christian Community Movement in the Philippines and El Salvador to examine five key characteristics of transformative community and how these can be applied to the church today.
In her lecture “Supernatural Attributions: How Do People Perceive Messages from God, the Devil, and Human Spirits?,” delivered at the 2023 Integration Symposium, Julie Exline surveys the lenses by which people understand supernatural experiences, how this affects moral beliefs and behavior, and why it matters for mental health professionals.
In response to Julie Exline’s lecture on “Supernatural Attributions and Mental Health,” Jose Abraham takes a missiological approach and discusses the healthy, liberating, and justice-enacting impact supernatural attributions can have in secular modern societies.
In her lecture “Spiritual Struggle: An Overview of Key Concepts and Findings,” delivered at the 2023 Integration Symposium, Julie Exline surveys varieties of spiritual struggle through the lens of mental health, with a particular focus on the idea of anger towards God.
In her lecture “How Can We Support Healing and Growth from Spiritual Struggle?,” delivered at the 2023 Integration Symposium, Julie Exline considers ways to support and foster growth among people who experiencing spiritual struggles.
In response to Julie Exline’s lecture on “Healing and Growth from Spiritual Struggle,” Stephen Simpson talks about the increasing number of people leaving religion and about providing therapy for Christians losing their faith.
Jeong Kii Min preaches about a discipleship that is actively and intentionally engaged in the world, with the recognition of Jesus as priority above all.
Father Gregory Boyle, Jesuit priest and founder of Homeboy Industries, preaches about discovering the resurrection life hidden in the ordinary—and often on the margins.
Cindy Lee, spiritual director and DMin doctoral projects administrator, examines sacred spaces and proposes reimagining how we find and engage with them in our contemporary contexts.
Eugene Lowry, preacher and author, reflects on the deep and overwhelming wonder that we experience when we encounter God and God’s holiness.
Andrew Root, professor and Carrie Olson Baalson Chair of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary, talks about what encountering transcendence looks like in contemporary secular contexts.