
More Resources for a Deeply Formed Spiritual Life

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Editor’s Note: Hope and Healing

Jerome Blanco, FULLER magazine editor in chief, introduces FULLER magazine #27, the “Hope and Healing” issue.

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Toward a Hopeful Horizon for Theological Education, with Oscar García-Johnson

Oscar García-Johnson, professor of theology and Latino/a studies, discusses some ways theological education must be reshaped and transformed as we move into the future.

David Zac Niringye

Response | Meaning-Making and the Way of Jesus

In response to Soong-Chan Rah’s lecture on “Failed Narratives and Imagination in Evangelism,” David Zac Niringiye investigates the underlying narratives of our current conceptions of evangelism and looks to Jesus as our model of de-constructing and meaning-making.

Fuller Sermons

Healing and Generativity in the Church in China | Ping-cheung Lo

Ping-cheung Lo shares about the painful history between Western missionaries and the Chinese people, and he reflects on the story of healing happening in and through the church in China.


Editor’s Note: Re-forming Evangelism

Jerome Blanco, FULLER magazine editor in chief, introduces FULLER magazine #26, the “Re-forming Evangelism” issue.

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전도의 재형성

Soong-Chan Rah, Robert Boyd Munger Professor of Evangelism, explores how “de-construction” and “re-construction” can help guide the church toward faithful expressions of evangelism in today’s world.

illustration of dragon at sea

Re-formando el Evangelismo

Soong-Chan Rah, Robert Boyd Munger Professor of Evangelism, explores how “de-construction” and “re-construction” can help guide the church toward faithful expressions of evangelism in today’s world.

illustration of dragon at sea

Re-forming Evangelism

Soong-Chan Rah, Robert Boyd Munger Professor of Evangelism, explores how “de-construction” and “re-construction” can help guide the church toward faithful expressions of evangelism in today’s world.

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Beyond Colonialism: Reconstructing Christian Mission

R. Daniel Shaw, senior professor of anthropology and translation, reflects on the colonial history of Christian mission and on following God toward a faithful new way.

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A Hopeful Missiology, with Kirsteen Kim

Kirsteen Kim, Paul E. Pierson Chair in World Christianity, shares about the shifting landscape of world Christianity and missiology in the 21st century.

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A Bridge of Worship and Song, with Eric Sarwar

Eric Sarwar (PhD ICS ’21) talks about his work of using music and the Psalms to foster meaningful connections between Christians and Muslims.

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God on the Move, with Sam George

Sam George, director of Wheaton College’s Global Diaspora Institute, encourages the church to reimagine global missions in our postcolonial and globalized world.


Benediction: Global Vision

After attending the 2022 Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Joey Baker (PhD ’23) reflects on the significance of the church’s global community, vision, and work.After attending the 2022 Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Joey Baker (PhD ’23) reflects on the significance of the church’s global community, vision, and work.

Fuller Sermons

Everywhere to Everywhere | Sam George

Sam George reframes the traditional paradigm of “here to there” missions and maps out a polycentric and multidirectional missiology that recognizes everywhere is a mission field.

Jose Abraham

Response | The Gift of Supernatural Attributions

In response to Julie Exline’s lecture on “Supernatural Attributions and Mental Health,” Jose Abraham takes a missiological approach and discusses the healthy, liberating, and justice-enacting impact supernatural attributions can have in secular modern societies.

Cynthia Erikson and Alexia Salvatierra

A Sacred Relationality

Cynthia Eriksson and Alexia Salvatierra reflect on their relational experience of interdisciplinary team teaching and the benefits that multiple perspectives have on encouraging students’ broader understanding of calling and mission.

Emmanuel Anim

Women and the Mission of God

Opening the 2022 Missiology Lectures, Emmanuel Anim preaches a sermon on the parable of the persistent widow and reflects on the reality that God uses both women and men to advance his kingdom and cause.

Wilmer Villacort

Response | Partners in the Mission of God

In response to Gina Zurlo’s lecture on “Women in World Christianity,” Wilmer Villacorta talks about the need for repentance and reeducation of male theologians and ministry leaders—against misogyny and sexism—in order to become allies and “coconspirators” in kingdom work.

Grace Ji-Sun Kim

A Theology of Women in God’s Mission

In her lecture “A Theology of Women in God’s Mission,” delivered at the 2022 Missiology Lectures, Grace Ji-Sun Kim unpacks the challenges women face around the world and speaks about empowering women of faith in ministry and mission—particularly highlighting the importance of a “theology of visibility.”

janette Ok

Response | Embracing the Gifts of Women

In response to Musa Dube’s lecture on “Mission, Power, and African Women Theologians,” Janette Ok talks about liberation from colonialism and the resurrection life.

Missiology 2022 Hero

Panel | Women and the Mission of God

Guest lecturers and Fuller faculty discuss key takeaways from the 2022 Missiology Lectures on “Power, Agency, and Women in the Mission of God,” in this concluding panel discussion.