
More Resources for a Deeply Formed Spiritual Life


The Impact of Presence in Every Season

As chaplain for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Brandon Cash walks alongside others and witnesses the value of relationships, whether for a short time or a lifetime.


The Holy Gift of Being With

Recounting her time as a jail chaplain, Ashley Abercrombie reflects on God’s immeasurable love and grace and on our call to extend such love and grace to others.


Within and Without the Walls of the Church

Paul Bullock reimagines how the church might faithfully live out the gospel for and amidst our communities in our pluralistic world.


Give Them Hope

In his work as both a hospital and hospice chaplain, Rafee Jajou seeks to carry the hope and peace of Christ as he journeys with patients in their seasons of suffering.

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Raíces entrelazadas: Arraigo y conexión en el trabajo de capellanía

Mary Glenn and Jaclyn Williams, co-chairs for Fuller’s MA in Chaplaincy, describe the healing, collaborative, and transformative ministry of chaplaincy and its significance in today’s world.

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Intertwined Roots: Grounding and Connection in the Work of Chaplaincy

Mary Glenn and Jaclyn Williams, co-chairs for Fuller’s MA in Chaplaincy, describe the healing, collaborative, and transformative ministry of chaplaincy and its significance in today’s world.

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Protecting Rights and Offering Hope

Heidi Kugler, advisor for the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab and Clinical Pastoral Education International, shares about the grace-filled, restorative, and collaborative ministry of prison chaplaincy.

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The Wilderness Experience: Signposts of the Spirit’s Work in the Suffering of Those We Serve

Sean Love, director of clinical training and assistant professor of clinical psychology, reflects on the Spirit-led and healing work we undertake as we journey with others in their suffering.

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Educating Chaplains: Theological Formation for Places of Spiritual Opportunity

Nathan H. White and Katherine Voyles of the US Army Institute for Religious Leadership write about the varied and significant elements of training and forming chaplains today.

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The Role of Spiritual Fortitude

Sara Barton, chaplain at Pepperdine University, shares about the work of chaplaincy and spiritual formation among university students.

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Christian Identity in the Chaplain’s Pluralistic Context

Marèque Steele Ireland, affiliate associate professor of theology, writes about the distinct ministry of presence a Christian chaplain offers in our interfaith and pluralistic contexts.

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Accompanying One Another on the Thresholds of Suffering

Tyler Brewington-Mathis, chaplain and Fuller alum, reflects on the faithful tasks of accompaniment and of bearing witness to the stories of others as we journey with people in their suffering.

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Spiritual Care That Transforms Lives, with Wendy Cadge

Wendy Cadge, cofounder of the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab, shares about the critical role chaplains play in the spiritual and societal landscape of today.


Palliative Care as a Spectrum of Care, with Angela Song

Angela Song, palliative care chaplain, reflects on the tender work of walking with patients through their most difficult seasons.

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Redefining Chaplaincy, with Danie Buhuro

Danie Buhuro, executive director and CPE supervisor of Sankofa CPE Center, seeks to expand our imagination of where ministry is done, bringing chaplaincy to new places and contexts.

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From Prison Chaplaincy to Sports Chaplaincy, It’s All Relational, with Earl Smith

Earl Smith, chaplain for the San Francisco 49ers and Golden State Warriors and former chaplain at San Quentin, shares about the centrality of relationship in both sports and prison ministry.

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Editor’s Note: Chaplaincy

Mary Glenn and Jaclyn Williams, co-chairs for Fuller’s MA in chaplaincy, introduce FULLER magazine #28, the “chaplaincy” issue.


Chaplaincy: A Vital Ministry

David Emmanuel Goatley, Fuller Seminary president, reflects on the importance of the tender and relational work of chaplaincy today.


Benediction: Presence and Proximity

Keeyon Carter, pastor and MAC student, reflects on the transformative and healing ministry of presence to which chaplains are called.

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The Grace of Not Knowing

Andrea Cammarota, Fuller Seminary chaplain, shares about opening ourselves up to encountering God in the unknown and the unexpected, as she draws from her own vocational journey.

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To Be the Gospel: Evangelism Informed by Chaplaincy, Identity, and Embodiment

Jaclyn Williams, assistant professor of the practice of preaching and chaplaincy, reflects on the power of sharing the good news through embodied witness.