“Right now is the church’s best opportunity we have had since Martin Luther to be reshaped into the kind of church God has called us to be. Our foundation is secure, but the bolts are loose—and there’s a new generation of builders who stand at the ready.”
+ Kenda Creasy Dean, the Mary D. Synnott Professor of Youth, Church, and Culture at Princeton Theological Seminary, spoke at the 2017 Payton Lectures on missional entrepreneurship and the ways young people can reshape Christian communities for new cultural contexts. Watch highlights from the event above, and watch the lectures and responses from Fuller faculty below. Pictured right, students enjoy coffee and conversations before the lectures.
+ Chap Clark, Ahmi Lee, and Scott Cormode apply insights from Creasy Dean’s first lecture (above) to their contexts. Watch their reflections on the church, preaching, and leadership below:
+ Steven Argue, Pamela Ebstyne King, and Juan Martínez apply insights from Creasy Dean’s second lecture (above) to their contexts. Watch their reflections on the millennials, telos, and the global church:
+ Pictured above (l to r): Juan Martínez, Pamela Ebsytne King, Kenda Creasy Dean, and Steve Argue. Fuller Theological Seminary instituted the Payton Lectures in 1948, providing for a series of divinity lectures by a notable scholar outside the regular faculty. The lectureship is named for Dr. John E. and Mrs. Eliza Payton, parents of the late Mrs. Grace Fuller, wife of seminary founder Charles E. Fuller. Pictured: students reflect on the lectures outside the Travis Auditorium.