Intercultural Studies

More Resources for a Deeply Formed Spiritual Life

When Refugees Thrive, We All Thrive

Through the work of his Spokane-based nonprofit, Mark Finney desires to see refugees and their communities flourish.

Evangelism as Transformation

In a panel discussion, Al Tizon, Ruth Padilla-DeBorst, and David Zac Niringiye have a conversation about the work of INFEMIT (The International Fellowship for Mission as Transformation), a global fellowship championing diverse churches around the world seeking what it looks like to live as God’s people today.

Intercultural Evangelism Among Caste Hindus

In his lecture on “Intercultural Evangelism Among Caste Hindus,” delivered at the 2023 Missiology Lectures, Vinod John explains the layered dynamics involved between caste Hinduism and religious conversion.

Intercultural Evangelism Among Sikhs

In his lecture on “Intercultural Evangelism Among Sikhs,” delivered at the 2023 Missiology Lectures, Darren Duerksen talks about the colonial historical context of evangelism among Sikhs and considers a renewed way of engaging with advocacy and love.

The Magnificat of the Urban Poor Filipina

In her lecture “The Magnificat of the Urban Poor Filipina,” delivered at the 2023 Missiology Lectures, Marie Joy Pring-Faraz shares about the powerful witness of Filipina women in urban poor communities—whose experience of communal struggle has shaped their experience of and witness to Christ.

Story as Evangelism, an Indigenous Worldview

In her lecture on “Story as Evangelism,” delivered at the 2023 Missiology Lecture, Lenore Three Stars shares an indigenous perspective on creation theology and reflects on story as a means of evangelism.

Sharing Our Songs

Guided by her passion for God and her love for music, Sunita Puleo (MAICS ’17) builds bridges among people of different cultures with the power of story and song.

Response | Diversity and Christian Mission

In response to Nam Soon Song’s lecture on “Cooking Bahb and Christian Education in the Korean North American Churches,” Brian Byung Joo Kim reflects on navigating and celebrating diversity in Christian mission.

Response | Migration’s Christianizing Effect

In response to Allison L. Norton’s lecture on “Immigration and US Congregations,” Kirsteen Kim reflects on the ways immigrant churches reinvent the faith and culture of the church in the United States.

Who is My Neighbor? | Jose Abraham

Jose Abraham preaches on the Parable of the Good Samaritan and shares a missiological perspective on what it looks like to love the religious other.

The Meaning of Mission, with Hunter Farrell

Hunter Farrell examines the impact of capitalism and colonization on congregational mission efforts and invites us to practice radical mutuality as we redefine the meaning of mission.

A Missional Life

With a heart for intercultural ministry, Gail Schlosser works with her church and other local partners to love and serve the neighbors in her city.

Panel | Building a Healthy World

Mary Chase-Ziolek, Randy Woodley, and Tina Armstrong discuss what it looks like to build a healthy world by considering the areas of congregations and communities, of theological education, and of the whole of creation, in this panel discussion moderated by Alexia Salvatierra.

Panel | Healing and Mission

Opoku Onyinah, Elizabeth Salazar-Sanzana, and Sung-Deuk Oak reflect on the church’s role in health and healing from their respective perspectives and contexts in Africa, Latin America, and Asia in this panel discussion moderated by Erik Aasland.

Panel | Trauma and Resilience

Cynthia Eriksson, Lisseth Rojas-Flores, Tommy Givens, and Gladys K. Mwiti discuss trauma care, immigration-related trauma, trauma therapy, and healing for caregivers in this panel discussion moderated by Alexia Salvatierra.

The Mission of Health

At Fuller’s 2021 Missiology Lectures, practitioners and scholars from around the world explore the church’s role in forming healthy individuals, families, and communities across the globe and throughout history.

Globalization and Online Theological Education: Questions We Must Ask

David H. Scott, associate dean of the School of Mission and Theology, casts an eye on the new frontiers of online theological education in this era of globalization—examining both its risks and its gifts.

Benediction: 100 Miles

Alumni Mark Finney and Kutter Callaway reflect on their experience of participating in a World Relief fundraiser and on our role to be prophetic witnesses in a world where the number of displaced people continues to increase.

Saying Yes

Following God’s call to serve in global missions, Jinho Lee learns what it means to walk day by day in faithful obedience.

Mission-in-Movement: From Culturally In Between to Bridge Persons

Enoch Jinsik Kim, associate professor of communication and mission studies, writes about the missional impact multicultural people have in and for the kingdom of God.

Soong-Chan Rah on Western Cultural Captivity

Soong-Chan Rah reflected on Acts 15 and asked how the Western Church might move from its captivity to culture and toward deeper commitment to Christ.