
Hellion is a remarkably authentic portrayal of adolescent boys struggling to deal with heartbreaking pain and loss.

Aaron Paul convincingly portrays an emotionally distant father struggling to hold his wounded family together in the wake of his wife’s death. Surprisingly, the strongest performance in the film comes from newcomer Josh Wiggins, whose portrayal of the thirteen-year-old hellion Jacob was impressive. I expect to see much more of him in the coming years.

The real power of Hellion lies in its story, which relentlessly engages viewers in the struggles of these troubled adolescents. Hellion takes viewers on an emotional roller coaster ride, alternating between hope and hopelessness. Nowhere is this felt more strongly than with Jacob, who is repeatedly pushed to his breaking point.

I had the privilege of seeing Hellion premiere at Sundance, where it earned a well-deserved standing ovation. At the Q&A following that screening, Writer/Director Kat Candler was asked why she focused predominantly on the boys’ perspective in this film. She replied, “Kids these days are handling too much…they need their voices heard.”

The type of situation in which Jacob finds himself is all too familiar for many kids throughout the country. Many are just like Jacob – good kids in bad situations making poor choices. This is evidenced by the recent increase in school shootings over this past year. I know it is not the case in every instance, but I wonder how many of these shootings could have been prevented by individuals who took the time to care for hellions in their sphere of influence.

I cannot overestimate the power of presence. What might change if more of us started befriending and mentoring kids like Jacob before they continued down a path that only holds horrible consequences for them? It might feel easier to leave them be, saying “Kids will be kids,” but if we do not make the effort to influence the lives of hellions, we are not doing them any favors.

How many kids like Jacob are just crying out to be heard while we choose to not take the time to listen to them? One of Josh Wiggins’ strongest moments as Jacob is when he finally explodes at his father, calling him out in the middle of a restaurant. He does not care who hears him. He just wants to be heard.

The best thing Jacob had going for him was that his father, despite his flaws, still deeply loves him and is trying to help him become more than just a good kid who has made some bad choices. It is in this relationship where hope is most readily found in Hellion. Unfortunately, not every hellion has such a relationship. The question is, what are you going to do about it?

If you are interested in spending some time impacting adolescents near you, here are some organizations to consider:

Big Brothers Big Sisters

And for those of you near Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, a community organization I’ve spent some time with is Lake Avenue Community Foundation. If you’re not located in Pasadena, check churches in your area for similar programs.

Hellion is being released in several independent theaters throughout the country this summer, and it is also immediately available via VOD.