Worship Director Opening – Moorpark Presbyterian Church

Moorpark Presbyterian Church is searching for a new Worship Director. This is a fulltime, salaried position. According to the position description:

The Worship Director oversees the incorporation of music (choir, praise band, special music, instrumental, and bell choir), drama, and technological elements (audio/visual and lighting) in the blended style of worship in this church. The position reports to the Senior Pastor who has ultimate authority for the totality of the worship services. In the absence of the Senior Pastor, the Associate Pastor will exercise those same responsibilities.

The full position description including necessary qualifications and detailed responsibilities can be found by downloading this document or by visiting the Moorpark Presbyterian Church website.

After reading the position description, interested applicants should submit their resumes to:

Worship Director Search Team
Moorpark Presbyterian Church
13950 Peach Hill Road
Moorpark, CA 93021

805-529-8422 | [email protected] | www.mppres.org