Film Conversations

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Fuller Studio plus

A Prairie Home Companion


The film is about moments, songs, conversations, and characters, and the characters are priceless as they embody the joys, pains, insights and misunderstandings of life.

Fuller Studio plus



Iris movingly brings to light the love and pain which commitment can bring, particularly when one of the life partners slowly loses her mind to Alzheimer’s disease.

Fuller Studio plus

I Am Sam


Sam’s unconditional, unabashed, and inexhaustible love for Lucy is inspiring to any parent regardless of their I.Q…

A Beautiful Mind


Goldman says that the script was written to capture the spirit of the journey that the Nashs made. It is the case that John and Alicia Nash (portrayed by Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly) “loved the screenplay.” But even if they hadn’t, Goldman’s attempt to bring the disease out of the corners of our world and into the light is worthy of commendation.



2012 is ridiculous in an awesome kind of way, but what else can you expect from a disaster movie literally about the end of the world? The selling point here is the spectacle, so if you’re thinking of watching this for the biting social commentary or the nuanced character development, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. If you go into this expecting the ridiculous, you’ll love it.