+ Fuller faculty, along with scholars from various faith traditions, gather for a roundtable discussion on how technology impacts religious literacy, human connection, and interfaith dialogue.
Navigating Digital Spaces among Different Faiths – the VR Experience
+ Watch in virtual reality as Fuller faculty, along with scholars from various faith traditions, gather for a roundtable discussion on how technology impacts religious literacy, human connection, and interfaith dialogue.
Subtitles available in Spanish, Korean, and Chinese.
“It’s not—as some of the secularist theorists would have said—that religion is declining. It’s that it’s just spreading into different forms and going by different names.”
+ Kutter Callaway
- Dr. Ryan Bolger – Associate Professor of Church in Contemporary Culture, Fuller
- Dr. Najeeba Syeed – Professor of Interreligious Education, Claremont School of Theology; director of the Center for Global Peacemaking
- Dr. Michal Meulenberg – Interim Director of Islamic Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies at Biola University, co-founder of Two Faiths One Friendship
- Dr. Kutter Callaway – Associate Professor of Theology & Culture, Fuller
- Dr. Varun Soni – Dean of Religious Life, University of Southern California
- Dr. Faisal Qazi – Assistant Professor Neurology, Western U & UC Riverside; president, MiNDS; VP, The Neurology Group
- Clarissa Joan Middleton – Graduate Student from School of Cinematic Arts with MFA in Interactive Media, University of Southern California*; Content & Communications Manager, Max De Pree Center