Making His Dream Our Dream | Estrelda Alexander

Estrelda Alexander, MLK Lectures

+ Estrelda Alexander, president of William Seymour College, lectures on the meaning of Martin Luther King’s life and examines how much of his dream has come true—and how much has still been deferred.

As president of William Seymour College and an ordained minister in the Church of God, Dr. Alexander is a leading scholar of Black Pentecostalism and the author of numerous books, essays, and journal articles. Prior to founding the college, she served as professor of theology at Regent University School of Divinity and as associate dean for community at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. After serving as a pastor and church planter, she has more recently focused on providing theological education for underserved communities.

Dr. Alexander was the keynote speaker of the 2018 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration. Sponsored by the Pannell Center for African American Church Studies, the celebration provides a forum for distinguished African American scholars and clergy to enrich the lives and ministries of Fuller students, alumni, and the Southern California community with the nation’s best examples of African American scholarship and preaching.

+ Love Sechrest, associate professor of New Testament, responds to Dr. Alexander’s lecture, reflecting on a deeply ambivalent political landscape, unconscious racial biases, and biblical resources for navigating this “crisis moment.”