The Art of Education

“Silence – Kairos” 7×11′, Minerals and Gold on Canvas, 2015, on exhibit at the Waterfall Mansion and Gallery, May through July 2017

On April 27, 2017, our Director, Mako Fujimura, delivered the Samek Distinguished Art Lecture at Bucknell University. The entire message can be read on Mako’s website. We’ve reposted a portion of it below. Enjoy. – editor

I used to think that one’s life could be summed up in a single narrative—that somehow, we could capture a life by retelling a linear series of events, as in an obituary.  But now, some thirty years after my time here in Lewisburg, I think that we may do injustice to our lives if we only think in linear, analytical fashion.  We also need to remember that the tracks we may have paved, ends up as meandering, pioneering, inventing, struggling paths uniquely given to us…