
A song about a girl named Grace, and the family who needed her. Dedicated to all the parents who made a new life in a new land.

Directors // 9outof10 Productions (
Producer // Cindy Lu
Makeup // Frankie Inattendu
Sample // Yiruma “River Flows in You”
Grace // Rachel Leyco
Young Grace // Sammi Taing
Dad // Michael Taing
Mom // Emilah Scarf
Young Jason // Ethan Jeremiah Kong Oeur
Friends // Cindy Lu, Jason Chang
Thanks to Jerry Nguyen, Ohmer, Cha Cafe, Jennifer Kong, Micah, and Pamela Ho.

Jason Garreth Loke Chu
Speaking hope & healing in a broken world. Asian-American hip-hop artist Jason Chu creates music about the struggle between joy and cynicism, greed and hope, hurt and healing.

@jasonchumusic Website Facebook