As American society undergoes historic shifts of public identity and conversation, Evangelicalism is changing along with it. Is there space in contemporary Evangelicalism for Asian Americans?
Professor Daniel D. Lee joins Tim and Jane for this season’s final episode to discuss the varied and complicated future of Asian American Christianity and its relationship with evangelicalism
Jane Hong
Associate professor of US history. Author of Opening the Gates to Asia: A Transpacific History of How America Repealed Asian Exclusion (UNC Press, 2019). NJ Transplant to Los Angeles. Currently writing a history of how post-1965 Asian immigration changed US evangelicalism (Oxford Univ Press). Tweets @janehongphd.
Tim Tseng
Fuller Asian American Center Affiliate and Pacific Area Director of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Graduate and Faculty Ministries. Tim’s forthcoming book, tentatively titled Asian American Christianity and the Quest for a Better Country, will be the first comprehensive history of Asian American Christianity.
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Daniel D. Lee
Academic dean for Fuller’s Center for Asian American Theology and Ministry, assistant professor of theology and Asian American ministry since 2017. Serving in various leadership roles since 2010, he has been the key force behind the center and the Asian American Initiative before that. He helped develop many of Fuller’s Asian American courses and programs, teaching at the adjunct level for two years and currently directing the Certificate in Asian American Contexts program.
Lee is author of the book Double Particularity: Karl Barth, Contextuality, and Asian American Theology (Fortress, 2017), contributing editor for Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture and editorial board member for Prophetic Voices: API Christian Perspectives for Church and Society.