Welcome back to Centering: The Asian American Christian Podcast!

For our first season, we’re addressing “the big questions.” In our second episode, host Kevin Doi and Professor Daniel Lee of Fuller Seminary ask: do our stories matter to God?

Daniel explains how being rooted in a particular context can avoid tribalism and nationalism, but instead help us see our experiences as giving God specific glory as the author of our stories. For example, calling God “a good father” can mean very different things depending on our own experiences with, and cultural understandings of, our own fathers.

Please rate, subscribe, comment and share Centering! If you have any questions or feedback, reach us at [email protected], visit Facebook.com/CenteredToday, or join in the conversation on SoundCloud.

The music for “Centering” was provided by @MarkRedito. This episode was edited by Carl Catedral, and produced by Jason Chu.

Originally published

November 8, 2018

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Kevin Doi

Kevin Doi

Daniel Lee

Daniel Lee