Walter Brueggemann on Restorative Grace & Amos Yong on the Spirit Who Bridges the Gap

Walter Brueggemann and Amos Yong

+ In their lectures delivered at the 2015 Fuller Forum, Walter Brueggemann, renowned author and Old Testament scholar, explored God’s restorative grace and the ways it necessitates and energizes the restored community’s witness, worship, and work of justice; and Amos Yong, Dean of the School of Theology and School of Intercultural Studies, reflected on the Holy Spirit’s work of reconciliation between God and creation, and of bridging the divisions between people and communities.

Originally published

June 29, 2020

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Walter Brueggemann

Walter Brueggemann, renowned author and Old Testament scholar

Amos Yong of Fuller Seminary's School of Intercultural Studies

Amos Yong, Dean of the School of Theology and School of Intercultural Studies

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