“When we take the focus away from stereotyping driven by fear and back to God’s hopeful mission to individual human beings in all their diversity, the global church can then reclaim its missional vision.”
+ Martin Accad, affiliate associate professor of Islamic Studies, on destructive stereotypes of Islam and the importance for the global church to reclaim an informed Christian witness. Fuller’s School of Intercultural Studies hosted international scholars for “Dynamics of Contemporary Muslim Societies: Christian Theological and Missiological Implications,” the 2016 Missiology Lectures. With lectures analyzing cultural shifts and responses from local Muslim voices, the conference fostered mutual understanding between faiths and a holistic Christian response. Watch Dr. Accad’s lecture here:
“There are two reactions Christians can adopt in the face of terrorism. Either they can turn their backs on Muslims out of fear and mistrust (which is legitimate when one faces a real terrorist), or they can seize the opportunity given by this new context of terror to understand Muslims better in general, and to engage with them in the name of Christ.”
+ Evelyne Reisacher, associate professor of Islamic studies and intercultural relations, in her essay on interfaith hospitality (pictured right with Nimi Wariboko, Walter G. Muelder Professor of Social Ethics at Boston University). We’re happy to share with you a selection from Joyful Witness in the Muslim World, her new book based on her research and friendship with Muslim communities. Click here for a free download of the first chapter. Listen to her missiology lecture here:
+ This year’s missiology conference included a panel of Muslim respondents who reflected on the complexities of navigating religious identity, the importance of interfaith relationships, and the struggle to reframe Islam from its common stereotypes. Click above to watch their reflections. Listen to all of the missiology lectures here: