Elizabeth Hogsten preaches about the power of truth-telling against oppression and the light of God that shines amidst darkness.
David Emmanuel Goatley reflects on the way God restores and sustains us amidst the weariness and turmoil of life’s “dry” seasons.
Kevin Doi considers the finitude of our lives and reflects on the church’s need to holistically minister to and invest in the lives of the next generations.
Bishop Zac Niringiye preaches a message of hope amidst despair, pointing to the God who is sovereign and enthroned above all.
David Emmanuel Goatley preaches on the Lord as our light and salvation, in whose presence we can rest assured amidst the suffering and struggle in our life and in the world.
Wendy Masias preaches about our seasons of uncertainty and waiting, learning to be joyful in every circumstance, and the promise of God’s coming restoration.
Jennifer Guerra Aldana shares a story of making tortillas with her abuela, and then preaches a message on trusting God as a community in our vulnerability.
The 2015 Fuller Forum explored the themes of justice, grace, and law and how each shapes our understanding of the church’s relationship with God and the church’s ministry in the world. Joined by Fuller scholars and other guests, renowned Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann, featured as the conference’s keynote speaker.
Kevin Doi (MDiv ’94), Fuller Seminary chaplain, encourages us to be attentive to God’s presence, reflecting on how God meets us in the most difficult and unexpected places.
Mark Labberton, Clifford L. Penner Presidential Chair of Fuller Seminary, preaches on how God sees us without misconception and on our charge to see others with the same dignity well.
Inés Velásquez-McBryde (MDiv 19’), pastor and Fuller Seminary chaplain, delivers a message on how God welcomes us under the shelter of his hope, even as we continue to experience fear and grief.
Juan Martínez Benavides, MDiv student, invites us to hear the cries and complaints of the people we serve, challenging us to acknowledge our failures and to open ourselves up to transformation. English translation is provided by Inés Velasquez-McBryde, Fuller chaplain.
Brenda Bertrand, Fuller Seminary chaplain, preaches on how our sins impact our communities, our need for repentance, and God’s unfailing love.
Steve Yamaguchi, former dean of students and assistant professor of pastoral theology, talks about our need to not only be scholars and experts on living water but to be faithful and daily partakers.
Rear Admiral Margaret Kibben, 26th Chief of Chaplains of the United States Navy, shares about her journey toward military ministry and the need to trust in God’s call.
Mark Labberton, Clifford L. Penner Presidential Chair at Fuller Seminary, speaks about the Psalmist’s hope in God’s quiet yet steady faithfulness during seasons of despair.