
More Resources for a Deeply Formed Spiritual Life


Local Expressions of Evangelism and Justice

In a panel discussion, Mayra Macedo-Nolan, Jean Burch, Marcos Canales, and Jill Shook discuss models of embodied evangelism, with a particular look at their local context of Pasadena, California.

Alexia Salvatierra and Brandon Wrencher

Communal Evangelism from the Margins

In their lecture “Communal Evangelism from the Margins,” delivered at the 2023 Missiology Lectures, Alexia Salvatierra and Brandon Wrencher reflect on the base Christian community and Hush Harbors movements, considering the integration of evangelism and justice in groups led by the poor and marginalized.

Michal Meulenberg

The Incarcerated Church: Introduction

At the 2023 Lectures, Michal Meulenberg introduces the topic and presentations on reconstructing our understanding of evangelism among incarcerated people.

Soong-Chan Rah

A Theology of Celebration and A Theology of Suffering

In his lecture on “A Theology of Celebration and A Theology of Suffering,” delivered at the 2023 Missiology Lectures, Soong-Chan Rah reframes our understanding of evangelism and incarceration through the lens of theologies of celebration and suffering.

jarett Keith

The Good News and the Incarcerated Church

In his presentation on “Incarceration and the Good News,” delivered at the 2023 Missiology Lectures, Jarret Keith shares his personal story of incarceration and reflects on how the church must better minister to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people.

Nikki Toyama-Szeto

Christian Social Action, with Nikki Toyama-Szeto

Nikki Toyama-Szeto shares about her work leading Christians for Social Action, the organization’s commitment to cultivating faithful engagement with issues of justice, and her experience as a Japanese American woman in leadership.

Fuller Sermons

Catastrophe and Creative Care | Stanley Talbert

Reflecting on the story of the Good Samaritan, Stanley Talbert preaches a message on justly and creatively caring for our neighbors in this catastrophic world.

Fuller Sermons

Amidst Wolves | Elizabeth Hogsten

Elizabeth Hogsten preaches about the power of truth-telling against oppression and the light of God that shines amidst darkness.

Alexia Salvatierra

Transformative Community

Alexia Salvatierra draws from her experiences with the Base Christian Community Movement in the Philippines and El Salvador to examine five key characteristics of transformative community and how these can be applied to the church today.

Soong-Chan Rah

Biblical Justice and Biblical Evangelism

Soong-Chan Rah examines how the intersection of evangelism and justice creates a counternarrative to the systemic forces of individualism, triumphalism, and consumerism.

Fuller Sermons

Doing Justice | Tina Armstrong

Tina Armstrong preaches on Micah 6 and dwells on the ways we ought to be attentive to God’s voice, reflect on God’s faithfulness, and extend God’s love to others.

Emmanuel Anim

Women and the Mission of God

Opening the 2022 Missiology Lectures, Emmanuel Anim preaches a sermon on the parable of the persistent widow and reflects on the reality that God uses both women and men to advance his kingdom and cause.

Alexia Salvatierra

Response | On the Way to Inclusion

In response to Grace Ji-Sun Kim’s lecture on “A Theology of Women in God’s Mission,” Alexia Salvatierra talks about social change and the liberating and transforming power of the word of God.

Fuller Sermons

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like. . . | Tommy Givens

Tommy Givens looks at the parables of Jesus, which show that the power of the kingdom of Heaven—power that can change the world—is found in the familiar and the everyday.

Fuller Sermons

Living Rooted | Tina Armstrong

Tina Armstrong shares about living an embodied faith and working to create a more just and equitable world.

Fuller Sermons

It’s Your Time | Brenda Salter McNeil

Reflecting on the story of Esther during Fuller’s MLKJ Celebration week, Brenda Salter McNeil preaches about God’s call for us to be leaders who follow the Holy Spirit’s leading during this pressing time.

Fuller Sermons

Pure Wine, Unexpected Cups | Alexia Salvatierra

Alexia Salvatierra dwells on the way God extends God’s power and love through the least expected and most overlooked messengers—pure wine poured in unexpected cups.

Mark Noll

The Bible and American History, with Mark Noll

Mark Noll discusses his newest book, which explores the reciprocal relationship between notable historical events in the United States and the interpretation of scripture during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Gary Haugen

A Just God, with Gary Haugen

Gary Haugen discusses the origins and organizational focus of International Justice Mission and reflects on the intersection between Christian faith and global justice. 

Fuller Sermons Bill Pannell

Hope in Hard Times | William E. Pannell

William E. Pannell explores God’s faithfulness, mercy, and wonderful purpose for our lives as demonstrated in the life of David. 

Fuller Sermons Bill Pannell

Knowing God | William E. Pannell

William E. Pannell reflects on Paul’s writings in 2 Corinthians 5 and how our character informs the way we approach knowing and loving God.