Catholic Church

More Resources for a Deeply Formed Spiritual Life

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Emerging Christianity | Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr discusses historical developments within the Protestant and Catholic churches, the limitations that come with black-and-white thinking, and how contemplative practice helps to expand our faith.

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But What I Do Have Heals | Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr preaches on the book of Acts and Christ’s call to be present and heal the suffering in the world.

Illustration by Denise Klitsie for FULLER magazine

Restoring Creation: With Reflections on “Laudato Si”

Fuller Seminary's first Catholic PhD

A Voice From Narnia

Daved Johannes Du Plessis

Fuller’s Ecumenical Vision


Catholic-Evangelical Relations


Finding God in New Things: Ignatian Spirituality Revisited

Saint Francis of Assisi-Illustration-by-D.Klitsie

The Spirituality of Saint Francis of Assisi
