Spiritual Formation


The Prayer of Examen is a spiritual practice of reviewing the day to retune ourselves to the sacred in ordinary life. Usually lasting 15–20 minutes and done in the evening, the prayer prompts us to remember God’s presence, express gratitude, reflect on the day, and prepare for the day to come.

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More Resources for a Deeply Formed Spiritual Life

Fuller Sermons

The Good News | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton, in his final chapel as Fuller’s president, preaches about the extraordinary surprise of the gospel, the hopeful truth that Jesus saves us, and the role we have as credible witnesses to this good news.

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A Moral Transformation | N. T. Wright

N. T. Wright discusses the importance of practice and discipline in the development of Christian virtues.

Fuller Sermons

What Soil Will We Be? | Kevin Doi

Kevin Doi, preaching on the Parable of the Sower from Mark’s Gospel, has us consider what we will do with the grace God has given us.

Fuller Sermons

The Kingdom of God is like a Seed | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton preaches on the parable of the mustard seed, emphasizing our need to tend to and nurture this seed so that it might grow and manifest the reality of the kingdom.

Tony Hale and Shannon Sigler

Tony Hale on Spiritual Practices

Tony Hale discusses spiritual practices that can ground artists in safety through difficult creative processes.

Rebecca Baer

Response | Forms of Gratitude and Joy

Rebecca Baer, drawing parallels from her research on joy, reflects on both distorted and positive forms of gratitude.

Robert Emmons

Robert Emmons on Gratitude to God and Shaping Identity


Robert Emmons discusses gratitude in spiritual contexts and how gratitude directed toward God can be formative to who we are.

Robert Emmons

The Science and Spirit of Gratefulness

Robert Emmons, alongside Fuller scholars and practitioners, delves into the science of gratitude and the ways it shapes our relationship with one another, with God, and with the wider natural world.

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Editor’s Note: Both/And

Jerome Blanco, FULLER magazine editor in chief, introduces FULLER magazine #22, the “Both/And” issue.

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President’s Note: Looking at Both/And

Mark Labberton, Clifford L. Penner Presidential Chair, considers the ways both/and living is an important part of the Christian life.

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Beatitudes for the Use of Social Media: Resisting the Either/Or

W. David O. Taylor, associate professor of theology and culture, lists ten beatitudes to help us posture ourselves with hope and charity while navigating social media platforms.

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Holy Disruptions: Holding Both Our Convictions and Our Uncertainties

Amy Drennan, executive director of vocation formation, encourages us to embrace holy disruptions and mysteries—emphasizing the importance of both conviction and uncertainty in our faith journeys.

Jimmy Meladdo

Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado on Intimacy with Christ

In his closing remarks to the 2021 Missiology Lectures, Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado shares some key practices of effective churches and emphasizes the importance and centrality of intimacy with Jesus.

2021 MIssiology Lectures

The Mission of Health

At Fuller’s 2021 Missiology Lectures, practitioners and scholars from around the world explore the church’s role in forming healthy individuals, families, and communities across the globe and throughout history.

Fuller Sermons

Opportunities of Redirection | Jennifer Ackerman

Jennifer Ackerman looks at the story of Miriam in Numbers 12 and reflects on how God offers us chances to realign ourselves with God’s call on our lives.

Fuller Sermons

Renewed Vision | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton reflects on how God sees us and pursues us, and on the way our own vision of ourselves and of the world might be aligned with God’s.

Fuller Sermons

A Witness to God’s Faithfulness | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton preaches on the story of Rachel and on the faithfulness and grace of God that undergird our unfolding narratives.

Fuller Sermons

A Laughable Thing | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton speaks on the wonderful absurdity of our faith, that God makes promises and calls us to things beyond our own possibilities and capacities.

Fuller Sermons

The Spirit at Work | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton reminds us that we are people marked by God and prays that we be filled with the presence of the Spirit even amidst ongoing challenges and difficulties.

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Making Our Home in a Virtual World

Kevin Doi, Fuller Seminary chaplain, reflects on the possibilities and the limits of spiritual formation and community in online spaces.

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From Self-Care to Community Care: Insights from Two Decades of Co-Teaching to Inform the Future

Cynthia Eriksson, professor of psychology, and Jude Tiersma Watson, senior associate professor of urban mission, share lessons on community, collaboration, and formation, drawn from decades of co-teaching.