
More Resources for a Deeply Formed Spiritual Life

Fuller Sermons

Peace Be With You | David C. Wang

David C. Wang reflects on the reality of the trauma we carry and on the peace offered by Jesus, who himself carries his own wounds even as he brings us healing.

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President’s Note: All Shall Be Well

David Emmanuel Goatley, Fuller Seminary president, reflects on what it means for us to be bearers of the hope and healing of Christ in the world.


건강과 질병 속에서 번영하는 삶: 제3천년기 의 분열된 세상을 위한 예수님의 자비로운 치유 사역

Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, professor of systematic theology, reflects on Jesus’ earthly ministry and on the ways healing and hope might come in today’s world.


Vida Floreciente en La Salud y La Enfermedad: El Ministerio Compasivo de Sanidad de Jesús para El Fracturado Mundo del Tercer Milenio

Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, professor of systematic theology, reflects on Jesus’ earthly ministry and on the ways healing and hope might come in today’s world.


Flourishing Life in Health and Sickness: Jesus’ Compassionate Healing Ministry for the Fractured World of the Third Millennium

Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, professor of systematic theology, reflects on Jesus’ earthly ministry and on the ways healing and hope might come in today’s world.

Curated Logo new

When Jesus Was an Aryan | Susannah Heschel

Susannah Heschel explores historical attitudes regarding Jesus and his Jewish identity in 19th and 20th century Germany and highlights the impact of racism on understanding the person of Christ.

Fuller Sermons

New Beginnings | Pamela Ebstyne King

Pamela Ebstyne King rests in the truth of Christ’s saving work—encouraging us to focus on what he has done for us over the things we might achieve for ourselves.

Christmas Tree

The Sacred and the Civic

Pamela Ebstyne King, Peter L. Benson Associate Professor of Applied Developmental Science, meditates on the birth of Christ as an invitation for us to join in God’s restorative work in the world.

Fuller Sermons

Reordering Power | Mark Labberton

Mark Labberton, Clifford L. Penner Presidential Chair, reflects on Acts 2 and on the power of the Spirit expressed through the church—power not centered on dominion but on justice and love.

N.T. Wright

N. T. Wright on Paul’s Trinitarian Theology

In his lecture “The One Triune God Amidst Religious Pluralism, Clashing Kingdoms, and Prevalent Evil” delivered at the 2014 Fuller Forum, N. T. Wright, New Testament scholar and former bishop of Durham, considered Paul’s Trinitarian theology, which involves high Christology, robust monotheism, and ecclesial unity.

N.T. Wright

N. T. Wright on the Messiah and the People of God

In his lecture “Who Are the People of God?” delivered at the 2014 Fuller Forum, N. T. Wright, New Testament scholar and former bishop of Durham, presented on Paul’s understanding of the Messiah as the fulfillment of God’s covenant with Israel—and what that means for God’s people today.

NT Wright

Interpreting Paul for the 21st Century

The 2014 Fuller Forum featured keynote speaker N. T. Wright, who presented on how the writings and theology of Paul might shape the church in the 21st century.

N.T. Wright

N. T. Wright on Paul’s Trinitarian Theology

In his lecture “The One Triune God Amidst Religious Pluralism, Clashing Kingdoms, and Prevalent Evil” delivered at the 2014 Fuller Forum, N. T. Wright, New Testament scholar and former bishop of Durham, considered Paul’s Trinitarian theology, which involves high Christology, robust monotheism, and ecclesial unity.

N.T. Wright

Panel | N. T. Wright, Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, and Scott Sunquist

At the 2014 Fuller Forum, N. T. Wright, Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, and Scott Sunquist discussed the practical and missiological implications of trinitarian theology in this panel moderated by Mark Labberton. The panel followed N. T. Wright’s second lecture, “The One Triune God Amidst Religious Pluralism, Clashing Kingdoms, and Prevalent Evil.”

N.T. Wright

N. T. Wright on the Messiah and the People of God

In his lecture “Who Are the People of God?” delivered at the 2014 Fuller Forum, N. T. Wright, New Testament scholar and former bishop of Durham, presented on Paul’s understanding of the Messiah as the fulfillment of God’s covenant with Israel—and what that means for God’s people today.

Mathew John

One Way to God, Many Ways to Jesus

Mathew John builds bridges between Christians and people of other faiths through a shared appreciation of Jesus

Fuller Sermons

Christ-Formed Community | Oliver Crisp


Oliver Crisp, former professor of systematic theology, speaks about what it looks like to be a worshiping community continually shaped and transformed by Christ.

Fuller Sermons

Open the Door | Jaclyn Williams and Cate McCrory


Jaclyn Williams and Cate McCrory, former chapel interns, preach an Eastertide sermon about how God’s embodied peace and love meets us in the midst of fear and doubt.

Fuller Sermons

New Life in Christ | Evelyne Reisacher


The late Evelyne Reisacher, former associate professor of Islamic studies and intercultural relations, preached this Easter sermon on Jesus’ resurrection and on what it means for us to be raised with Christ.

Fuller Sermons

Reordering the Ordinary | Mark Labberton


Mark Labberton, Clifford L. Penner Presidential Chair of Fuller Seminary, meditates on how God’s ultimate work—by the resurrection of Christ—reshapes and reorders our ordinary life.

Denise Klitsie illustration of poetry

The Catastrophic Poetry of the Cross
