Stacey Floyd-Thomas, Associate Professor of Ethics and Society at Vanderbilt Divinity School, preaches on Matthew 15:22-28.
As a weekly time of worship, All-Seminary Chapel contributes to the spiritual formation of the Fuller community. It is a time that students, staff, administrators and faculty can collectively set apart to give God thanks and praise, cultivate the recognition of God’s sovereignty and initiative in our lives, observe significant days and seasons in the church year and in the life of Fuller, and in so doing place our harried schedules within the perspective of Christ’s death and resurrection—the larger purpose that informs our work as a seminary.
We seek to reflect the wealth of cultures, ethnicities, traditions, and denominations present at Fuller out of the conviction that to do so is to more fully live into our calling to be the Body of Christ in the world. By making use of a variety of worship patterns, musical styles, drama, and visual art, we seek to engage all our senses as we worship God–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.