RS Podcast 004 – Sleepless In Seattle and Punch-Drunk Love

In the days before “Can you here me now,” were landlines a kind of corded-Cupid? Was a ringing phone a prelude to love? Both Sleepless In Seattle and Punch-Drunk Love suggest as much, but do they agree on anything else? Can the perennially perturbing P.T. Anderson and the consistently comforting Nora Ephron connect on matters of the heart?

Those questions and more will be examined in this episode of the Reel Spirituality podcast. Pick up the other receiver, cover the mouthpiece, and listen in as we cross great distances telephonically, physically, and romantically with Barry, Lena, Annie, and Sam (and Dean and Jonah, too).

Are we off our rocker to compare such tonally different movies? Are our connections bad? Have we proffered, perhaps, too many puns in these paragraphs? Let us know in the comments.

On the next episode of the podcast, we’ll be examining the deca-annual Sight & Sound “Greatest Films of All Time” list. Also, because the list heavily favors older cinema, we’ll be suggesting our take on the best films of the past 30 years. We invite you to peruse the Sight & Sound list ahead of time, think about the best movies you’ve ever seen, and join with us as we consider what it means to be “the greatest.”

The theme music for our podcast is provided by Matt Lumpkin, aka Bendblock, whose music can be found here. If you are interested in subscribing to the Reel Spirituality podcast, follow this link.