FULLER dialogues: Black Scholars in Post-Civil Rights Institutions

On January 22–24, 2020, the William E. Pannell Center for African American Church Studies held its annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration. This year’s event featured as its keynote speaker Stefan Bradley, professor and chair of the department of African American studies at Loyola Marymount University, who spoke about the history of Black scholars’ experiences in elite higher education institutions and the work that needs to be done in such spaces today. The week’s events were hosted by Dwight Radcliff, director of Pannell Center and assistant professor of mission, theology, and culture.

“What does it mean that we still have to think about how we are going to live and survive in a place that, on paper, we have arrived in some sort of way? And what does it mean that you then still have to push beyond that, when you’ve made it to the finish line and you’re still running?” – Tamisha Tyler

+ In his lecture “Black Scholars in Post-Civil Rights Institutions,” Stefan Bradley, professor and chair of the department of African American studies at Loyola Marymount University and author of Upending the Ivory Tower, talks about the history of Black students’ experiences in the Ivy League—their struggles, protests, and efforts for justice.

+ Stefan Bradley, Leon Harris, Tamisha Tyler, and Kutter Callaway discuss activism, white supremacy, and what it looks like to create positive change for Black scholars in institutions of higher education, in a panel moderated by Dwight Radcliff.

Divine Assignment | Sonja Dawson

+ Sonja Dawson, head pastor of New Mt. Calvary Church, preaches on the grace God provides for our divine callings and on our need to be open to however God might use us.

This audio is a recording from Fuller’s All-Seminary Chapel on January 22, 2020, which was a part of the William E. Pannell Center for African American Church Studies’s 2020 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration.

Pulling Others Up | Wayne Chaney

+ Wayne Chaney, pastor of Antioch Church of Long Beach, speaks about loving our neighbors by using our voices for justice and by lifting up those in deficit positions.

This audio is a recording from the William E. Pannell Center for African American Church Studies’s 2020 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration on January 24, 2020.