Beasts of the Southern Wild

Beasts of the Southern Wild.
Set in a fictional bayou area known as “The Bathtub,” this magical drama follows the story of Hushpuppy, a eight-year old girl who lives with her father in a stilt house among other poor residents of the post-Katrina-like territory, who continually ignore warnings from the mainland that they must evacuate the area or risk death from flood and pestilence should the levee break. When her father gets sick, he tries to keep Hushpuppy from knowing about his ailment. When he rebuffs her interest, she acts out by burning down their house. During the fire, she retreats to the safety of a cardboard box, where she scrawls “cave drawings” on the inside as proof to the world that “Hushpuppy lived with her Daddy in the Bathtub.” Though she and her father fight often, it is obvious that her Dad loves her very much, and is intent on raising her to be tough and independent, necessary character traits for a harsh and unforgiving world. Part of Hushpuppy’s view of the world includes her fear of several mythical pre-historic beasts that are coming to the Bathtub to destroy everything. The beasts draw closer as her father begins to die, highlighting Hushpuppy’s fear of being alone in the world. When she faces them down, however, even calling one “kind of her friend, now,” it becomes evident that Hushpuppy has indeed become like one of the beasts herself, a wild child learning to face an uncertain world.

I was glad to end the Sundance Film Festival with this film. I found it to be an engaging, lyrical film with an original voice and a captivating visual style. Though not everything was explained in perfectly-understandable terms, I found there to be plenty to chew on. I found the relationship between father and daughter to be difficult to like at times, but at other times joyful and triumphant. A rough-around-the-edges relationship that rang true to a father trying to prepare his daughter for the “real world.” Though outside of my experience on many levels, as the father of daughters, I also found their relationship to be touching and heartfelt. What father doesn’t want his daughter to have a little “beast” in her? Catching fish, eating crab, and showing their “guns” become their dance of understanding, part of a unique love shown in unique ways. Spiritually, I found the film really satisfying. The juxtaposition of Hushpuppy’s deteriorating living situation with the growth of her strength of understanding is a great example the power of the spirit to rise to face adversity. And the fact that she faced her fears by facing the beasts allows her to stand and realize her place in the universe, and that she has an important role to play. It is important that she doesn’t just run and hide anymore. She needs to stand and face the world if she is to not only survive, but help the universe work the way it was intended to work. It’s a wonderful message to all of us – God has a role for us to play. If we’re in Christ, we have nothing to fear.